Segmenta Analyzer

Identify growth opportunities in your buying, selling and inventory management processes through intelligence and technology.

Regardless of your position in the supply chain, this service will allow you to identify business opportunities through intelligence and technology, making use of your transactions with suppliers and customers, facilitating the management of your purchasing, sales and inventory management processes. 

Benefits of Segmenta Analyzer

Gestión de Compras


Garantice que su negocio cuente con el portafolio de mayor interés para los clientes y asegure la existencia y abastecimiento oportuno de los productos de mayor demanda.


Ensure that your business has the portfolio of greatest interest to your customers and ensure the existence and timely supply of the most demanded products. 

Cadena de suministro

​Mantenga un monitoreo continuo del inventario a nivel total o por proveedor, buscando minimizar los riesgos de stockout y slowmovers.

Supply Chain

Maintain continuous inventory monitoring at a total level or by supplier, seeking to minimize the risks of stockouts and slow movers. 


Sales Management

Análisis por segmento

Clasifique sus clientes desde diferentes perspectivas e identifique las necesidades de cada segmento y, con base en ello, establezca prioridades e incremente su negocio. 

Segment analysis ​

Classify your customers from different perspectives and identify the needs of each segment and, based on this, establish priorities and increase your business. 


Análisis por cliente

Una vez establecido el segmento, desarrolle a los clientes, sugiriendo los productos que deberían incluir en su portafolio, por su relevancia en el mercado dónde compite.

Analysis by customer

Once the segment is established, develop the customers, suggesting the products that should be included in your portfolio, due to their relevance in the market where you compete. 



Mobile Ordering App

Speed up the picking, delivery, invoicing, and billing process by picking orders through our app.

APP móvil de pedidos​

Acelere el proceso de picking, entrega, facturación y cobranza mediante el levantamiento de pedidos por medio de nuestra app.

Manage and consolidate key actions in your purchasing, sales, and inventory management processes.

Make your business more competitive with better operational management


Boost your brand performance by identifying internal and external areas of opportunity through reliable data analysis.

Wholesaler / Distributor

Make the sourcing and distribution process more efficient, increasing sales and business profitability.


Obtain the ideal portfolio and plan demand, optimizing supply processes and avoiding lost sales due to lack of inventory.

New research and analysis. 

We have a range of content relevant to you and your business.

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your project to life